TUINA (Twee-nah) an ancient Chinese massage technique used to treat damaged tissues, bones and joints. It’s a form of traditional Chinese medicine along with acupuncture and Chinese herb treatment.
“Before seeing Ronald, my condition had lasted for almost 6 years and I was going around in circles with doctors trying to diagnose it and multiple scans lead to nowhere. Thankfully, tuina massages are gradually helping with the progress of my back pain. I would highly recommend this service.”
-Alfie Tudor
“We’ve had treatments for back, shoulder pain and stiffness, achilles and foot injuries, and reflexology treatments. Tuina therapy is now a constant in our life that we call upon when our bodies need it."
-Zahra Mahmud
“After only one treatment my body feels already so much better. I'm relieved by the idea that someone could help my ‘dancing body’ on a physical and energetic level, and help to treat an old injury that other practitioners underestimated. I strongly recommend Ronald for his treatments and competitive rates.”
-Nicoletta Key